Case Study
Bridge Girders, Oro Bridge, PNG
ESC was awarded the scope of work for full steel fabrication works for cambered bridge girders for 4 bridges spanning a total length of over 600 metres in Papua New Guinea capable of withstanding frequent natural disasters such cyclones.
Four Bridges – Ambogo River and Eroro River in the Oro province of Papua New Guinea were destroyed by Cyclone Guba in 2007. Construction of the new bridges was scheduled in January 2014.
The lengths of the four bridges were as follows:
Eroro Bridge – 66 metres
Ambogo River – 100 metres
Girua River – 150 metres
Kumusi River – 285 metres
ESC Steel Structures was awarded by Main Contractor Construct in Australia to fabricate all steel components for the four bridges. ESC’s scope of was to fabricate over 1,500 tons of steel bridge girders and other components such as elastomeric bearing sets, guard rails, scuppers, edge forms, bracing, splicing plates, channels, lifting lugs and more. The girders were between 1.25 and 2.06 meters high and the lengths were up to 15.0 metres long.
The bridge designs consisted of four steel continuous girders with case insitu concrete decks. It required a design life and capacity for a 2,000-year flood.
The 4 bridges were successfully opened to the public in July 2016.